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Lawmakers Forum Recap
New York City Council Speaker and Members shared insights on gender and racial equity. NY1's Cheryl Wills moderated.
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Recent Events

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‘Beyond Books’ Explores Library-Based Social Work
Watch a recording of this virtual conversation with leading experts in library-based social work.

Read more ‘Beyond Books’ Discussion Explores Library-Based Social Work

Photos of the panelists
McSilver Convenes Leading Voices for Equity Front Line Conversation
McSilver co-hosted a conversation with Dr. Lisa Coleman, Deborah Archer, and Ifeoma Ike to engage in deep and inspiring dialog about the state of the struggle for DEI going forward.

Read more McSilver Convenes Leading Voices for Equity Front Line Conversation

Photos of the panelists
McSilver Co-Hosts Centering Voices: The Crisis of Black Maternal Health
The community forum featured experts in the fields of maternal physical and mental health.

Read more McSilver Co-Hosts Centering Voices: The Crisis of Black Maternal Health